Board and Committee Members
Bob McConnell, President
Gretchen Cope, Secretary/Treasurer
Benny Reed
Robert Chapman
Joe Fuller
Lisa McConnell
Joan Boyd Short
Dale Taylor
Keith Wilson
Library Committee:
Dr. Michael Gilley
Sally Kelly
Mary Ruth Laster
Lisa McConnell
Barbara Reed
Tammy Scott
Donald Shaver
Exhibits Committee:
Bob McConnell
Joan Boyd Short
Dale Taylor
Keith Wilson
Our Mission
The mission of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center Foundation is to foster stewardship for the wilderness trail corridor by providing educational and interpretative opportunities that enrich the region through historical, cultural and environmental awareness in a way that reveals and preserves the unique role that the Wilderness Trail played in the development of the United States of America.
The foundation achieves its mission through a non-compensated Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors focuses on non-managerial oversight and operations support of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center. In this capacity the Board is responsible for liaison with Center partners and regional stakeholders, assisting with program development, marketing, public relations, fund raising and oversight of the Wilderness Trail Research Library. The Board has no direct operations or fiduciary authority or responsibility.
The Board seeks to increase the Foundation’s visibility, to support the work of the Center by expanding its network of public and private partners and to provide advice and suggestions to enhance the scope and quality of Center programs.
The Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There are 8 Directors from which the officers of the corporation – Chair. Vice-Chair., Secretary, Treasurer – are elected. Incoming officers and directors are elected annually by outgoing Directors. Directors may succeed themselves.
The Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center Foundation is always open to new members. There are no membership fees and the only requirement is an interest in preserving our region’s history.